Little Learners Park was recently upgraded by the Tonasket Park Improvement Committee with the generous support of community and volunteers.
Features a skate park, pump track, soccer fields, baseball fields, river access, and a nature walk.
Built by a citizen group in 2017 the new pool is located in History Park and supported by the newly founded Parks and Recreation District.
The formal ground breaking on this park, built to recognize and memorialize armed forces veterans from across the U.S. was on Veterans Day, November 11, 2009. The U.S. Armed Forces Legacy Association, a non-profit group, raised money for the memorial and will be responsible for development and maintenance of the Park.
This park adjacent to the Tonasket Visitors and Business Resource Center, City Hall and the Police Station, was completed in 2010 through significant volunteer efforts. The park provides history on the founders of the community and includes parking, and picnic and small camping areas for bicyclists.
Water fun for all ages!! Park also includes bathrooms, picnic table and shade shelter.
Features are the Tonasket Community Pool, basketball court, a swing set, climbing structures, picnic tables, playground equipment for older children bathroom and tall shade trees. Plenty of room to run!